Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Try to find at least one good thing.....

July 11

I phoned him on Wednesday at noon.  We both agreed we didn’t want to be fighting.  He did apologize for what he said.  My daughter left  to go to the cabin with my brother and niece for the week.  

July 13

Good day, took our son to the African Lion Safari.  Yesterday I was in a strange bummed mood.  I wasn’t hungry.  He was going on about motorbikes again.  I think he feels cheated.

July 20

Reserved camping sites for our vacation.  Yes he has agreed to take time off work to vacation with us.  First family vacation in 8 years.

August 1

We survived.  Not a bad drive to Collingwood.  Power was out at campsite from 1 - 6 pm.  Had a fire, set up tents.  Slept pretty good.  The caves were neat.  Kids had fun.  Went to Wassaga beach on way home.  I’m feeling in a distant mood.  Almost like it’s too good to be true.  He was OK.  Happy.  Maybe it’s because it’s August and that’s when world shattered last year.  One good thing, I quit smoking last year…. June 20, 2002, 2:20 pm.  It’s been over a year.  So there is one good thing that has come out of all this, right?

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Quit smoking? Requires strong determination to do that & not everyone can make it. I know a lot of people who quit half-way. Stay strong, Tia!
